Re: [ROOT] Strange Tree draw behavior

From: Olivier Couet (
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 15:02:05 MET

Hi Luca,

 I have tried to reproduce your problem with the ntuple in hsimple.root 
(see ROOTSYS/tutorials). For me it works fine. My macro is:

void tree() {
   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Tree test");
   TH2F *frame = new TH2F("frame","", 100, -3, 3, 100, 0.01, 3);       
   TFile f("hsimple.root");
   ntuple->Draw("py:px","py>0.1 && px>-3 && px <-1","same");

Cheers,        Olivier

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Luca Grandi wrote:

> Dear all,
> I found a strange behavior using tree Draw on a specific frame.
> When i plot a tree without a predefined frame and i change the Y axis scale
> from linear to log the range is fixed by root and several points of the plot
> are excluded. For this reason I have followed a suggestion to create a
> predefined frame to fix the logarithmic range for the Y axis.
> I am using the following example
> TCanvas *c7 = new TCanvas("c7","Lifetime",+0,+0,900,680);
> c7->SetLogy();
> TH2F frame7("frame","Lifetime", 1, 0, 60, 1000, 1, 1000);
> frame7.Draw();
> Now with the treeviewer I plot on the frame a first plot with
> tv_tree->Draw("br.var1:br.var2","several cuts","same");
> At this point everything is OK.
> When I want to add another plot (with a similar command) on the same frame
> but with different cuts it creates a strange plot where the points are
> placed in a way different from what they look like when I plot them
> singularly. In other words the points are placed in a strange way and
> filling some region of the plot that are wrong (I know this since when I
> plot the second plot as first I found a regular behavior).
> Suggestions?
> Regards
> Luca

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