Re: 3D viewer in ROOT 4.02

From: Olivier Couet <>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 10:31:51 +0100 (CET)

Hi Ralf,

 The new viewer TViewerOpenGL is under development. A lot of work is currently put on that tool. The old way (TPadOpenGLView) will not be reactivated, it was unmaintainable and it was not possible to evolve it on the long term. Now we have a common interface for all viewer (x3d OpenGL etc ...). Many new functionalities have been put in the new OpenGL viewer:

May be you can send us a little script showing how you were using TPadOpenGLView and what are you missing in TViewerOpenGL. We will help you to find a solution.

 Cheers, Olivier

On Sun, 6 Mar 2005, Ralf Ehrlich wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been using the TPadOpenGLView class to get the 3D viewer. This
> worked very well till ROOT version 4.00/08.
> Now I'm using ROOT 4.02. This version doesn't have this TPadOpenGLView
> class anymore - it has been replaced by the TViewerOpenGL class.
> Unfortunately this new 3D viewer doesn't seem to be updated anymore when
> the content of its reference TPad changes. This was a feature that worked
> very well for TPadOpenGLView. Is there a method I can call to
> update/redraw/... the 3D display? Or would it be possible to bring the old
> 3D viewer back?
> Thank you very much,
> Ralf

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