reading ntuple

From: Claus Horn <>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 17:46:02 +0200 (MEST)

Dear ROOTers,

consider the folowing test program:

  TFile f("susygenerated.root");
  TTree * t = f.Get("h1");
  Int_t run(0);
  Float_t et[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };


  TBranch * b = t->GetBranch("Empt");
  TBranch * b2 = t->GetBranch("Runnr");

  cout << "run " << run << endl; //works fine for non array

  cout << "et " << et[0] << endl; //DOES NOT WORK, GIVES ALLWAY 0

  cout << "et " << et[0] << endl; //works fine when loading whole tree

Do I have to do something different when I want to do branch->GetEntry() for an array?


Claus Received on Mon Apr 04 2005 - 17:46:08 MEST

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