saving a TClonesArray in a TTree

From: Pietro Govoni <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 14:31:27 +0200

dear Rooters,

I am trying to save a TClonesArray in a TTree in the following way:

CalibTree::CalibTree (const std::string & fileName,

                       const std::string & treeName):
   m_file (0), m_tree (0), m_data (0), m_dataSize (0) {

   TDirectory *dir = gDirectory;

   m_file = new TFile (fileName.c_str (),"RECREATE") ;
   m_file->cd () ;
   m_tree = new TTree (treeName.c_str(),"Analysis tree") ;
   m_tree->SetAutoSave (10000000) ;


// m_tree->cd () ;

   m_data = new TClonesArray (TRootCalibObj::Class(), 1) ;    m_data->ExpandCreateFast (1) ;

   m_tree->Branch ("EGCO", &m_data, 64000, 2) ;    m_tree->Print () ;

The content of the TClonesArray, that is a TRootCalibObj, inherits from a TObject.
As far as I understood, I would expect the TTree to be filled by a set of branches, each of them corresponding to a variable of the TRootCalibObj.
Nevertheless, the Print () of the Tree only gives as output:

Warning in <TTree::Bronch>: Using split mode on a class: TObject with a custom Streamer

*Tree :Analysis : Analysis
tree                                          *

*Entries : 0 : Total = 2591 bytes File Size
= 0 *
* : : Tree compression factor =
1.00 *
*Br 0 :EGCO :
*Entries : 0 : Total Size= 2726 bytes One basket in
memory *
*Baskets : 0 : Basket Size= 64000 bytes Compression=
1.00 *
*Br 1 :EGCO.fUniqueID : fUniqueID
[EGCO_]                                  *

*Entries : 0 : Total Size= 766 bytes One basket in
memory *
*Baskets : 0 : Basket Size= 64000 bytes Compression=
1.00 *
*Br 2 :EGCO.fBits : fBits
[EGCO_]                                          *

*Entries : 0 : Total Size= 742 bytes One basket in
memory *
*Baskets : 0 : Basket Size= 64000 bytes Compression=
1.00 *

What I am missing?

Thank you very much,


Received on Tue May 30 2006 - 14:31:09 MEST

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