TTree::Write() Problem

From: Hengtong Ding <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 21:17:02 +0800 (CST)

Hi all,

I first compiled my code by .L code.C++ and then load "" to run some functions. The compilation is quit OK, but when I run some events, erros happened ,

But finally I can get the output "test.root" in which histograms are included and are OK but no trees.

My code is listed as below :

  TFile *outfile = new TFile("test.root","recreate");   const Int_t ArraySize = 13 ;
  Double_t *store_pp=0;
  if((store_pp=new Double_t[ArraySize]) == NULL) {

      cout << "can't allocate more memory for store_pp,terminating.\n" ;
      exit(0) ;

TTree *tree = new TTree("tree","variables in pp AA and AAquenched") ;   


some histograms are defined here !


One loop in which
the values are assigned to store_pp[0], store_pp[1] ... store_pp[12] and "tree -> Fill()" is done. Also the histograms are filled here. */
// some histograms Write() ;

tree -> Write() ;

My root version is v5-12-00, OS is Linux 2.4.20-8smp #1 SMP Redhat 9.

I don't know why this happened, as when I write a testcode in which only Tree are defined(no histograms) in the way above, it runs OK. Also if I don't use the TTree in the above code, the codes also run OK. Maybe I ask too many memoris by "new TH1D()" when defining the histograms and after that you could not use a "new TTree() " ?

Any suggestion will be appreciate.
Thanks in advance.


 *             Hengtong Ding                    *                    
 *                                              *
 *  Address:  Institute of Particle Physics,    *
 *            Central China Normal University   * 
 *            Wuhan, 430079,  P. R. China       *
 *  Tel:      0086 27 6786 7946 (lab)           *
 *            0086 27 8715 0351 (dormitory)     *
 *  Fax:      0086 27 6786 3213                 *
 *  Email:           *
 *          *
Received on Wed Oct 25 2006 - 15:07:30 MEST

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