rootcint gives: Error: cannot open file "TROOT.h" :0:

From: Oliver Oberst <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 18:13:52 +0100


I am working on a rootinterface for a montecarlo generator. I wrote my own "HepMCEvent" class which inherits from TObject. Now I want to fill a Tree with an HepMCEvent Branch with


in my Interface. the header of the Event (for now) is :

#ifndef __HepMCEvent__
#define __HepMCEvent__


#include "CLHEP/HepMC/GenEvent.h"

class HepMCEvent : public TObject{  


  HepMCEvent(HepMC::GenEvent *hepmc);


  int event_number;
  int signal_process_id;
  double alphaQCD;
  double alphaQED;
  int vertices_size;   

  ClassDef(HepMCEvent,1) //Event structure    



if I want to generate a dictionary with rootcint:

promt> rootcint -c
-I ../../ -I $ROOTSYS/include/ HepMCEvent.h

i get:

Error: cannot open file "TROOT.h" :0:
!!!Removing HepMCEventdict.h !!! Error: rootcint: error loading headers...

I`m using root 5.13/6. ($ROOTSYS is set correct and TROOT.h is readable and on the right place)



Oliver Oberst                          IEKP, Uni Karlsruhe
                                        Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1 
Tel: +49-(0)721 608-7243                    D-76128 Karlsruhe
Received on Tue Dec 12 2006 - 18:14:04 MET

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