TVirtualFFT.SetPointsComplex problems

From: Dr. John Krane <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:26:37 -0600


I recently updated to Root v5.14 to use the Fourier Transform package. I realize all of it is very new, but I'm having trouble doing the first things with it, despite reading the "tutorial" macro and the class documentation for TH1->FFT and TVirtualFFT.

I have modified the tutorial macro to see if I can modify a FFT and get a new function. Ultimately, I hoped to "trim" the FFT and keep only the first five or eight contribtuions or so. As you can see, I am having great difficulty. My macro is attached. I start out making a function of several sines, and histogramming it. I find the corresponding FFT and historgram it. Then I hit trouble.

  1. I try to copy the FFT and then reassign my trimmed arrays with SetPointsComplex. The FFT ignores my attempt and keeps its own arrays instead, as shown in histogram "hout1".
  2. I try to make a brand new FFT, using what I thought was the default that would be used in the original ("R2C"), and assign my trimmed arrays with SetPointsComplex. The FFT goes completely bananas and acts like I assigned it values >4000E246, as shown in histogram "hout2".
  3. I try another new FFT using "C2CFORWARD" and get Inf/NaN complaints. There is thus no output histo "hout3".

I am not at all sure what I'm doing wrong, and think what I have done should have given me plots that looked like "out_MAG" except with zeros after the 8th element. Once I get that far, I'm not sure how to use the TVirtualFFT to create a histogram of the result, or even if I can. (Maybe I'm supposed to just built my own TF1 at that point?)

Any guidance from the code authors, or any others, would be greatly appreciated.


Dr. John Krane

Quantitative Financial Analyst

#include "TH1D.h" #include "TVirtualFFT.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TCanvas.h" void test2() {
//prepare the canvas for drawing
TCanvas *orig = new TCanvas("orig", "Original distribution", 600, 600); TCanvas *myc = new TCanvas("myc", "Fast Fourier Transform", 600, 600); myc->SetFillColor(45); TPad *c1_1 = new TPad("c1_1", "c1_1",0.01,0.51,0.49,0.99); TPad *c1_2 = new TPad("c1_2", "c1_2",0.51,0.51,0.99,0.99); TPad *c1_3 = new TPad("c1_3", "c1_3",0.01,0.01,0.49,0.49); TPad *c1_4 = new TPad("c1_4", "c1_4",0.51,0.01,0.99,0.49); c1_1->Draw(); c1_2->Draw(); c1_3->Draw(); c1_4->Draw(); c1_1->SetFillColor(30); c1_1->SetFrameFillColor(42); c1_2->SetFillColor(30); c1_2->SetFrameFillColor(42); c1_3->SetFillColor(30); c1_3->SetFrameFillColor(42); c1_4->SetFillColor(30); c1_4->SetFrameFillColor(42); orig->cd();
//A function to sample
TF1 *fsin = new TF1("fsin", "sin(x)+sin(2*x)+sin(0.5*x)+1", 0, 4*TMath::Pi()); fsin->Draw(); Int_t n=25; TH1D *hsin = new TH1D("hsin", "hsin", n+1, 0, 4*TMath::Pi()); Double_t x;
//Fill the histogram with function values
for (Int_t i=0; i<=n; i++){ x = (Double_t(i)/n)*(4*TMath::Pi()); hsin->SetBinContent(i+1, fsin->Eval(x)); } hsin->Draw("same"); fsin->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); fsin->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
//Compute the transform and look at the magnitude of the output
TH1 *hm =0; hm = hsin->FFT(hm, "MAG"); c1_1->cd(); hm->Draw(); hm->SetStats(kFALSE); hm->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); hm->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
// J's mods. Try (in vain) to modify a copy of the FFT
Double_t *arr=new Double_t[26]; Double_t *arrcheck=new Double_t[26]; Double_t *iarr=new Double_t[26]; Double_t *iarrcheck=new Double_t[26]; TH1 *hm2 =0; hm2 = hsin->FFT(hm2, "MAG"); TVirtualFFT *theFFT= TVirtualFFT::GetCurrentTransform();
// These will be my own versions of FFT

// This should be an exact copy
TVirtualFFT *fft_own1= theFFT;
// These are made from scratch, but is R2C what I want? Don't know for sure
// but I think this is the defaut used by theFFT
TVirtualFFT *fft_own2= TVirtualFFT::FFT(1, theFFT->GetN(), "R2C P K"); TVirtualFFT *fft_own3= TVirtualFFT::FFT(1, theFFT->GetN(), "C2CFORWARD P K");
// Trim the higher orders from expansion in theFFT for my versions
Double_t val,ival; for (int i=0; i<*theFFT->GetN(); ++i) { theFFT->GetPointComplex(&i,val,ival); arrcheck[i]=val; iarrcheck[i]=ival; if (i<8){ arr[i]=val; iarr[i]=ival; } else { arr[i]=0.0; iarr[i]=0.0; } // screen output to see what we have cerr<<i<<" : "<<arrcheck[i]<<" -> "<<arr[i] <<" : "<<iarrcheck[i]<<" -> "<<iarr[i] <<endl; } fft_own1->SetPointsComplex(arr,iarr); fft_own2->SetPointsComplex(arr,iarr); fft_own3->SetPointsComplex(arr,iarr);
// Fill histo with truncated Fourier series
TH1D *hout1= new TH1D("hout1", "hout1", n+1, 0, 4*TMath::Pi()); TH1D *hout2= new TH1D("hout2", "hout2", n+1, 0, 4*TMath::Pi()); TH1D *hout3= new TH1D("hout3", "hout3", n+1, 0, 4*TMath::Pi()); hout1->TransformHisto(fft_own1,hout1,"MAG"); hout2->TransformHisto(fft_own2,hout2,"MAG"); hout3->TransformHisto(fft_own3,hout3,"MAG"); c1_2->cd(); hout1->Draw(); c1_3->cd(); hout2->Draw(); c1_4->cd(); hout3->Draw(); }

Received on Mon Jan 29 2007 - 18:26:50 CET

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