RE: Drawing part of a TGraphErrors

From: Olivier Couet <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 10:16:59 +0100

Dear Cecilie,  

Can you send me a small running example ? The few lines you sent before are not complete.  

Cheers, Olivier

From: Ann-Cecilie Larsen [] Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 7:31 PM
To: Olivier Couet
Cc: RootTalk
Subject: Re: [ROOT] Drawing part of a TGraphErrors

Dear Olivier,

  1. feb. 2007 kl. 17.42 Olivier Couet wrote:

        May be something like that would be simpler:                   

	   Int_t n=20;
	   Double_t x[n],y[n];
	   for (Int_t i=0; i < n; i++) {
	   TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph (n,x,y);
	   TAxis *axis = gr1->GetXaxis();
	   axis->SetLimits(0.,5.);                 // along X
	   gr1->GetHistogram()->SetMaximum(20.);   // along          
	   gr1->GetHistogram()->SetMinimum(-20.);  //   Y     

Thanks so much for your suggestion, but unfortunately it doesn't help me. The data file I am reading to get the TGraphErrors contains zeroes, and if I plot the whole graph also the zero points appear with markers. This I would like to avoid, and therefore I tried to use the DrawGraph function, which is perfect for a TGraph.

Cheers, Cecilie

[] On Behalf Of Ann-Cecilie Larsen

	Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 5:24 PM
	To: RootTalk
	Subject: [ROOT] Drawing part of a TGraphErrors
	Dear Rooters, 

	I am trying to plot only a part of a graph with error bars using
the following statements in my macro:

// make graph

        TGraphErrors *gr_fg3 = new
TGraphErrors(n,energy,fg3,xerr,fgerr3); // for fg

// creating histogram (just for the axis)

	TH2F *h1 = new TH2F("h1"," ",10,0.0,8.0,10,0.0,1.0);
	h1->Draw(); // draw axis
// draw fg data

        But the error bars disappear in the pad... Is there another function than DrawGraph that should be used with the TGraphErrors?

        Cheers, Cecilie         

	Ann-Cecilie Larsen
	Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory (
	Department of Physics, University of Oslo
	P.O.Box 1048 Blindern
	N-0316 Oslo, Norway
	Phone: +47 22 85 64 63 Fax: +47 22 85 64 22
Received on Tue Feb 20 2007 - 10:17:07 CET

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