problem with unnamed macro

From: Roger Mason <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:54:02 -0330

Hello Rooters,

I am trying to use the attached unnamed macro to extract information from a *.root file and add it to an ascii file (for subsequent import into a database). The first time I run the macro all is well, the second time it fails:

root [1] .x parms.C
Data filename: file1
Diode reading: 1.0
root [2] .x parms.C
Note: File "Riostream.h" already loaded
Data filename: file2
Diode reading: 1.0

Error: Symbol parms[i] is not defined in current scope  parms.C:65:
Error: << Illegal operator for pointer 3 parms.C:65:
Error: << Illegal operator for real number parms.C:65:
!!!Dictionary position not recovered because G__unloadfile() is used in a macro!!! *** Interpreter error recovered ***

Here is the macro:

//#include <fstream>
#include <Riostream.h>
#include <TString.h>
Input section
Char_t fname[100]; // Input data file
cout << "Data filename: ";
cin >> fname;

Double_t diode;
cout << "Diode reading: ";
cin >> diode;

Char_t run[] = {"92020(c)"};
Char_t date[] = {"050912"};
Char_t temp[] = {"to_calculate"};
Char_t records[] = {"2007-02-25-110403.howm"}; // Processing notes

TFile *f = new TFile(strcat(fname,".root")); TF1 *all;
Int_t npar = All->GetNpar();
Double_t parms[40];
Double_t* err = All->GetParErrors();
// Cleanup

delete f;
delete all;
f = 0;
all = 0;

Output section


// for (int i = 10; i < 13; i++){
// cout << "Parameter_" << i << " = " << parms[i] << endl;
// }

// Make sure lorentzian starts at parms[30], even when there was no second G.
// Zero the unused parameters and errors.
if (npar == 30){
  int j = 30;

  for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++){
    parms[j] = parms[i];
    parms[i] = 0;
    err[j]   = err[i];
    err[i]   = 0;


ofstream out;
ofstream out("Fits.050912.dat", ios::app); out << run << "\t" << date << "\t" << fname << "\t" << diode << "\t" << temp << "\t" << records; for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {

    out << "\t" << parms[i] << "\t" << err[i]; }
out << endl;// End record

// Cleanup
// out closed by destructor


I'm using 5.14/00 on Linux 2.6.18-gentoo-r6.

Thanks for any help,

Roger Received on Mon Feb 26 2007 - 16:38:59 CET

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