a huge time

From: Amhis Yasmine <amhis_at_lal.in2p3.fr>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 17:28:39 +0200

I want to write arrays in a new tree... Basically for each entry of the old and the new tree I have an array of 6016 entries
Float_t OldVar[6016];

Float_t NewVar[6016];
TTree* NewTree = new ("NewTree","NexTree"); NewTree->Branch("NewVar",NewVar, "NewVar[6016]/F") for(Int_t i = 0; i< OldTree->GetEntries(); i++){ OldTree->GetEntry(i);

    for( Int_t p = 0; p<6016; p++){

      NewVar[p]= OldVar[p];


This method seems to work, but I think I am obvisouly doing something wrong because it's taking a really huge time.... AnyIdeas?

Yasmine Received on Mon Jul 23 2007 - 17:28:45 CEST

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