Running C scripts within ROOT

From: Anil Singh <>
Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 10:08:28 -0500

                     I am trying to run a C file with in the ROOT framework. The program simply aims to read the data from an ascii file and reproduce it on the screen. It does very well with the other compilers (g++ ). When I try to run it with in the framework:
                      root [0] .L nmssm.C
                   root [1] main()

                *** Break *** segmentation violation

                 *** Break *** keyboard interrupt nmssm.C:82:

                * ** Break *** keyboard interrupt
               Root > ==========================/Terminal Hangs up

  My C script has following items :

  1. Preprocessor directives and include statements.
  2. Two Struct definitions
  3. Two function declarations
  4. main() ............................The C script has been attatched herewith.

    • text/x-c++src attachment: nmssm.C
Received on Thu Oct 04 2007 - 17:10:50 CEST

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