The Input Values and The Filled values don't match

From: Anil Singh <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 12:03:37 -0500

  Dear Rooters,

   I am tryin to fill a tree by using the numbers from an ascii file. The root macro so written runs fine and following message appears on the screen.

*Tree :T : betatron cleaning tails *
*Entries : 579890 : Total = 39553243 bytes File Size = 4539588 *


This I supoose should have given me back the input ASCII numbers in more or less same format. But Unfortunately the numbers are very very different from those in the input file.A sample output from the last command is :

Where as the corresponding input lines are: (NI JJ E W X Y ......SO ON)

          3      8  7.97547E-01  1.0723E-05 -1.0653E-01  7.6968E+01 -6.7464957E-03 -9.2425679E-03  4.2036E-07  1.48017E+04  1.47861E+04 -6.2064E-01 -8.8064E+00  1.5686E+01  3.3505E-02   9   3
          4      8  1.26934E+02  5.3877E-07  3.6974E+01  8.1595E+00  1.0886891E-02 -6.3496462E-03  4.1806E-07  1.47924E+04  1.47922E+04 -6.2331E-01 -8.8003E+00  7.6709E+02  5.1782E-04   9   3
          4      7  9.51931E+01  5.3877E-07 -7.6472E+00 -6.0541E+01 -1.1205179E-04 -1.3131483E-02  4.1805E-07  1.47924E+04  1.47922E+04 -6.2331E-01 -8.8003E+00  7.6709E+02  5.1782E-04   9   3

I have observed that first two columns have been read correctly but all the subsequent ones show very very different numbers. The ROOT macro which does this job is :



struct projectile
   int NI;
   int JJ;

   double E;
   double W;
   double X;
   double Y;

   double DCX;
   double DCY;
   double TOFF;
   double PRIMEHITZ;
   double ZORIG;
   double XORIG;
   double YORIG;
   double EORIG;
   double WORIG;
   int    IORIG;
   int    KORIG;


projectile particle;  

ifstream ff("bgas.dat",ios::in);
TFile *file = new TFile("anilQ.root","RECREATE"); TTree *T = new TTree("T","betatron cleaning tails"); T->Branch("particle",&particle.NI,"NI/I:JJ:E/F:W:X:Y:DCX:DCY:TOFF:PRIMEHITZ:ZORIG:XORIG:YORIG:EORIG:WORIG:IORIG/I:KORIG"); while(ff.good())


  // cout<<particle.X<<endl;




   Can anyone explain all this to me ?
Anil Received on Fri Oct 12 2007 - 19:03:56 CEST

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