RE: Adding a vector to a tree

From: Philippe Canal <>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:32:31 -0500

Hi Nicolas,

For compile code you need to use:

   gROOT->ProcessLine("#include <vector>"); so that the vector dlls is loaded into CINT and the ROOT meta data (as opposed to the compiled code itself).  


From: Nicolas Busca [] Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 10:26 AM
To: Philippe Canal
Cc: 'Bin Guo';
Subject: Re: [ROOT] Adding a vector to a tree

Hi Philippe,

your macro works ok for me when I run it as a macro (by doing .L ... ). It's when I run it as a compiled program that it gives the error message.

I'm using root 5.13/02 on a mac with the default options for building...

Thanks for your prompt responses,

Nicolas Busca

On Oct 19, 2007, at 5:25 PM, Philippe Canal wrote:


I just re-tried the script I gave you:

#include <vector>
TFile *f = new TFile("peter.root", "recreate"); TTree * t1 = new TTree("nEmcPhotons", "EMC Photons"); vector<float> *E = new vector<float>;
t1->Branch("E", &E);

with ROOT 5.17/04 and it works fine for me. Which version of ROOT are you using? How was it build (in particular are the cintdlls built?).


From: Nicolas Busca [] Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 10:16 AM
To: Philippe Canal
Cc: 'Bin Guo';
Subject: Re: [ROOT] Adding a vector to a tree

Absolutely, I include vector.h in the beginning of my program... still I get the same error.



On Oct 19, 2007, at 5:14 PM, Philippe Canal wrote:


Did you try after doing:

> Also you need to make sure the dictionary for vector<float> is loaded (for
example add #include <vector>).

I.e. Try

#include <vector>
TFile *f = new TFile("peter.root", "recreate"); TTree * t1 = new TTree("nEmcPhotons", "EMC Photons"); vector<float> *E = new vector<float>;
t1->Branch("E", &E);


From: Nicolas Busca [] Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 10:08 AM
To: Philippe Canal
Cc: Bin Guo;
Subject: Re: [ROOT] Adding a vector to a tree

I tried to use the macro below in a compiled program, and I get an error at running time:

Error in <TTree::Branch>: The pointer specified for ... is not of a class known to ROOT

Any ideas?



On Oct 18, 2007, at 8:46 PM, Philippe Canal wrote:

TFile *f = new TFile("peter.root", "recreate"); TTree * t1 = new TTree("nEmcPhotons", "EMC Photons"); vector<float> *E = new vector<float>;
t1->Branch("E", &E);

Also you need to make sure the dictionary for vector<float> is loaded (for example add #include <vector>).


Hi Rooters,

I want to add a vector to a root tree, and make it a branch of that tree. I found the example of adding an array to a tree like below:

TFile *f = new TFile("peter.root", "recreate"); Int_t nPhot;
Float_t E[500];
TTree * t1 = new TTree("nEmcPhotons", "EMC Photons"); t1->Branch("nPhot", &nPhot, "nPhot/I"); t1->Branch("E", E, "E[nPhot]/F");

Now if I want to change E[500] array above to a vector: "vector<float> E",
how do I change the t1->Branch("E", E, "E[nPhot]/F") line ?

Namely, how do I write the 3rd argument of the "Branch()" method for a

Thanks for the help!


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