Tutorial Problem

From: Chris Powell <cpowell001_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 12:22:54 +0200

I am going through some of the tutorials on the ROOT home page. I have been looking at the simple example of fitting a 1-D histogram (see http://root.cern.ch/root/html/examples/fit1.C.html).

In the last few lines of the tutorial, we create a Pave Text called 'fitlabel', and fill it with information from the fitting. It reads the information in:


However while running this macro, we encounter errors when hitting this line, which read:

Error in <TPaveText::ReadFile>: illegal file name

It seems like we have not created thie file "fit1_C.C" for the fitting data to be written to. How do we do this?

Chris Received on Wed Jun 04 2008 - 04:26:52 CEST

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