Re: Selective filling of a histogram

From: Roger Mason <>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 14:46:29 -0230

Hello Rene,

Rene Brun <> writes:

> I do not understand your problem (well, I just had a quick glance to it::)
> However, you do not need all this complexity and can divide your code
> by at least a factor 3.
> Simply use the automatic binning feature of ROOT histograming. The
> limits that will be calculated will be much nicer than what you are
> trying to do with your algorithm. To get the auto-binning, simply
> define the lower limit equal to the upper limit, eg instead of
> TH1D *henergy = new TH1D("energy","energy(eV)",100,min-max/10,max+max/10);
> Do:
> TH1D *henergy = new TH1D("energy","energy(eV)",100,0,0

Thanks, that saved some code.

Regarding the original question I find that a histogram can be filled selectively with something like this:


     if ( energy > -2143.58 ) {
       //      cout << "Energy = " << energy << endl;
       else {


I have another question about sorting a vector, which I will post seperately.

Roger Received on Fri Oct 31 2008 - 19:08:52 CET

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