Re: PyRoot, Reflex, STL iterators and __deref__()

From: <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 13:37:11 -0800


> No, I don't find it in the generated dictionary .cpp file and playing
> with the object in ipython doesn't show any hint. See session below
> for what I mean.

the details are in the other mail I just sent, but for full reference, this is what I get in my generated _rflx.cpp file and is needed for the rest to work downstream from it:

static void operator_2200( void* retaddr, void* o, const std::vector<void*>&, void*) {
  if (retaddr) *(void**)retaddr = (void*)&(((const ::std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const short,DayaBay::SimHitCollection*> >*)o)->operator*)(); else (((const ::std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const short,DayaBay::SimHitCollection*> >*)o)->operator*)(); }

Best regards,


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Received on Wed Dec 10 2008 - 22:36:52 CET

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