First and second derivative

From: Paraduan Hutauruk <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 17:32:42 +0000

Dear all,

Does anyone know the command for first and second derivative of a function? I tried to wrote code for first derivative using ROOT::Math::Derivator(), but i got some error message. Could anyone let me know where is the mistake please? or guide me to right way?.

#include "Math/SpecFunc.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TNtupleD.h"


const int LMAX=4;
double par[] ={1,1,1,1};
double x=1;
double cros_mul(double *par , double x ) {
  double func=0;
  for (int L=0; L<=LMAX ; L++)

      int L2 =L+1;
      func += 

par[L]*ROOT::Math::Derivator::ROOT::Math::assoc_legendre(L2,0,x) ;

  return func;

Many thanks for help
Parada Received on Thu Jan 15 2009 - 18:32:47 CET

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