Script failing at unexpected point

From: Russell Leslie <>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 09:56:13 +1100

Greetings all,

I am trying to do a basic sort of data that was collected from an experiment last week (I haven't had problems with related sorts in the last few months). The data collection system used four germanium detectors (GE 1 to 4), five silicon particle detectors (PE 1 to 5) and four time discriminator circuits (TD 1 to 4).

My first task is to generate a series of cuts of coincidences between each GE, PE and TD (80 in all - 4x5x4). The first step is to just try the single case with GE1, PE1 and TD1. I can do a related manual sort using the treeviewer, but I need to be able to automate the process (for some 20 run files each which would need 80 cuts/sorts).

The script example below gives the following error message ""Error: Can't call TH3F::Draw("X.TD1:X.GE1:X.PE1>>hTD1_GE1_PE1",gt1g1p1||pt1g1p1) in current scope sortRIV-T1G1P1.C:90:".

I can't figure out why the script falls over at this point and unless I can get past this point I can't do the next important steps (doing corrections for random coincidences and compton background).

Any guidance you can give on what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.


Russell Leslie
Nuclear Physics
//%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Original data file from the experiment in ROOT format %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//
TString fname="PD1060309_R05.root";
TString tree_name="TREE";
//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%GERMANIUM DETECTORS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//
Double_t GE1_min = 750; Double_t GE1_max = 1250; // Sensible energy range for GE1
//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%PARTICLE DETECTORS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//
Double_t PE1_min = 300; Double_t PE1_max = 3300; // Sensible energy range for PE1
//%%%%%%%%% TDC limits for Random subtraction %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//

Double_t TD1_GE1_PE1_min = 3900; Double_t TD1_GE1_PE1_max = 4100; // Peak limits
Double_t TD1_GE1_PE1_L1 = 3400; Double_t TD1_GE1_PE1_L2 = 3800; // Left background limits
Double_t TD1_GE1_PE1_R1 = 4150; Double_t TD1_GE1_PE1_R2 = 4450; // Right background limits

//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Total Gamma energy Cut %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//
TCut ra_GE1 = Form("X.GE1>%g && X.GE1<%g",GE1_min,GE1_max);
//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Total Particle Cut %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//
TCut ra_PE1 = Form("X.PE1>%g && X.PE1<%g",PE1_min,PE1_max);
//%%%% Gamma/Particle TDC Cuts for Random Subtraction %%%%%%%//
TCut t1g1p1 = Form("X.TD1_GE1_PE1>%g && X.TD1_GE1_PE1<%g",TD1_GE1_PE1_min,TD1_GE1_PE1_max); //Block begin
TCut t1g1p1L = Form("X.TD1_GE1_PE1>%g && X.TD1_GE1_PE1<%g",TD1_GE1_PE1_L1,TD1_GE1_PE1_L2);
TCut t1g1p1R = Form("X.TD1_GE1_PE1>%g && X.TD1_GE1_PE1<%g",TD1_GE1_PE1_R1,TD1_GE1_PE1_R2);

//%%%%%%%%%%%%% Individual cuts for Gamma Detectors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//
TCut gt1g1p1 = ra_GE1 && t1g1p1;

TCut gt1g1p1L = ra_GE1 && t1g1p1L;
TCut gt1g1p1R = ra_GE1 && t1g1p1R;
//%%%%%%%%%%%%% Individual cuts for Gamma Detectors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//
TCut pt1g1p1 = ra_PE1 && t1g1p1; 
TCut pt1g1p1L = ra_PE1 && t1g1p1L; 
TCut pt1g1p1R = ra_PE1 && t1g1p1R; 

//%%%%%%%%%%%%% {Normalization Factor = (peak width in TDC)/(background width in TDC)}%%%%%%%%%%%%%
//%%%% Top & Bottom %%%%%%%//

Double_t nrt1g1p1 = ((TD1_GE1_PE1_max - TD1_GE1_PE1_min +1) / ((TD1_GE1_PE1_L2 - TD1_GE1_PE1_L1 +1) + (TD1_GE1_PE1_R2 - TD1_GE1_PE1_R1 +1))); //Begin block
//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sorted Matrices for TD1 GE1 PD1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//
TString fTD1_GE1_PE1 = "Mat_TD1_GE1_PE1_RIV_PD106_R05.root"; TString hTD1_GE1_PE1 = "hTD1_GE1_PE1"; //BEGIN BLOCK
TString fTD1_GE1_PE1_TC = "Mat_TD1_GE1_PE1_RIV_PD106_TC_R05.root"; TString hTD1_GE1_PE1_TC = "hTD1_GE1_PE1_TC";
TString fTD1_GE1_PE1_C = "Mat_TD1_GE1_PE1_RIV_PD106_C_R05.root"; TString hTD1_GE1_PE1_C = "hTD1_GE1_PE1_C";

//&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& FINAL DATA SORTING &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&//
//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TD1 GE1 PD1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//
//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% True + Chance %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//

TFile* f=TFile::Open( fname.Data(), "READ" ); TTree *TREE = (TTree*)f.Get("tree_name");

TCanvas *C1 = new TCanvas("C1","Fitting canvas",10,10,400,200); C1->Divide(2,2);

TH3F *hTD1GE1PE1 = new TH3F("hTD1_GE1_PE1","",4096,10.5,4090,4096,10.5,4090,8192,10.5,8191.5);

hTD1GE1PE1->Draw("X.TD1:X.GE1:X.PE1>>hTD1_GE1_PE1",gt1g1p1||pt1g1p1); //Problem occurs here


TFile* f_out=TFile::Open( fhTD1_GE1_PE1_TC.Data(), "RECREATE" ); hTD1GE1PE1->SetName(hTD1_GE1_PE1_TC.Data()); f_out->cd();

} Received on Sun Mar 15 2009 - 23:56:23 CET

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