Error bar not displayed if bin content above histogram maximum

From: Markus Cristinziani <>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 16:28:15 +0200


  I have a TH1D histogram with errors and I would like to SetMaximum to a value, lower than a certain bin content. Draw will then draw nothing, although one might prefer to draw the rest of the error bar. I wonder whether this is intentional (i.e. there are good examples where you don't want that), or the behavior of Draw could be modified. Thanks.


TH1 *h1= new TH1D("h1","h1",1,0.,1.);

h1->Draw(); // bin content and error displayed correctly

h1->Draw(); // could bin error be displayed ?

Markus Cristinziani
Physikalisches Institut, Uni Bonn
tel: +49(0)228-735762
Received on Tue Apr 07 2009 - 16:28:20 CEST

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