Crash:illegal pointer to class object (not happened before!)

From: Deepak Kar <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 01:22:22 +0200

Hello folks!

I am sure I am missing something trivial here. I had a bunch of codes before, and they ran fine. After a while I am trying to run them, without changing anything to my knowledge. They are all crashing with the same error, and this just a simple example.


 TFile *f= new TFile("gen.root");
 TProfile *hist2=(TProfile*)

 TFile *f=new TFile("ze_tlt.root");
 TProfile *hist3=(TProfile*)


    xbin1= hist2->GetBinCenter(i);
    gen = hist2->GetBinContent(i);
    sim = hist3->GetBinContent(i);

  printf("MC bin, Gen/SIM = %f, %f,\n",gen/sim);  }

It crashes with:

Warning: Automatic variable i is allocated draw_ratio.C:19: Error: illegal pointer to class object hist2 0x0 1046 draw_ratio.C:20: Warning: Automatic variable xbin1 is allocated draw_ratio.C:20: Error: Undeclared variable xbin1 draw_ratio.C:20: *** Interpreter error recovered ***

The .root files are all there, so are the histograms in that path.

Thanks a lot for any input.


Deepak Kar
Postdoctoral Fellow, Experimental Particle Physics (ATLAS/CDF)
Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik
TU Dresden
Received on Tue Apr 21 2009 - 01:22:40 CEST

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