Duplicated tree

From: James Jackson <james.jackson_at_cern.ch>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 15:41:33 +0100


I'm trying to track down a strange problem... I have some common code, which I run over many datasets, to create and fill some trees. Each tree is created once, and only once.

In some instances, the resulting ROOT file has duplicates. The output should look like this:

Unknown-00-17-f2-51-00-e3:PhotonJetPt15 jamesjackson$ root -l output_15.root
root [0]
Attaching file output_15.root as _file0... root [1] TDirectory *d = _file0.Get("tupiliser") root [2] d->ls()

TDirectoryFile*		tupiliser	tupiliser (Tupiliser) folder
  KEY: TTree	EventData;1	Per event object information
  KEY: TTree	McElectrons;1	MC Electrons
  KEY: TTree	HeepElectrons;1	HEEP Electrons
  KEY: TTree	Tracks;1	Tracks
  KEY: TTree	SuperClusters;1	SuperClusters
  KEY: TTree	GenData;1	GenData

However, sometimes, I get the following:

Unknown-00-17-f2-51-00-e3:QCDpt30 jamesjackson$ root -l output_1.root root [0]
Attaching file output_1.root as _file0... root [1] TDirectory *d = _file0.Get("tupiliser") root [2] d->ls()

TDirectoryFile*		tupiliser	tupiliser (Tupiliser) folder
  KEY: TTree	Tracks;3	Tracks
  KEY: TTree	Tracks;2	Tracks
  KEY: TTree	EventData;1	Per event object information
  KEY: TTree	McElectrons;1	MC Electrons
  KEY: TTree	HeepElectrons;1	HEEP Electrons
  KEY: TTree	SuperClusters;1	SuperClusters
  KEY: TTree	GenData;1	GenData

Note "Tracks" is duplicated.

Does this look like anything anyone's seen before? Can anything trigger a re-creation of a tree during filling?

Any hints welcome - I can see nothing in my code that would re-create the tree.

James. Received on Wed Apr 22 2009 - 16:41:39 CEST

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