Re: Two 1D histograms with statistics from both in one canvas

From: Philip Rodrigues <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 15:43:20 +0100

Hi Olivier,

 > I looked at the page you mentionned. I do not understand
> why you need "stat" and "nostat" has the histogram class already has
> SetStats().

You're right - I actually only realised that SetStats() exists today. I was about to remove my option, but there's one case where I'd like to do   something slightly different to the default: if gStyle->SetOptStat() is 0, then even with SetStats set to true, the stats box isn't drawn.

I guess the default is a reasonable behaviour, so I just added an extra override in my code rather than suggesting a change in the default.

 > I think THStack fullfill the other options you have.

I took a look at THStack when I was originally writing my painter, and I think it's missing one feature I wanted, which is to draw different histograms on the same pad with different drawing styles. Is it possible to do that with THStack?

> In
> the "Bugs" section you say that your code does not work in
> interpreted mode, surely there is something wrong .. it should work
> also. So I do not think we will take your code but if you prefer to
> use it instead of what is available in standard ROOT, that's fine
> with me.

Yes, I agree that it wouldn't make sense to include this in ROOT - for one thing, it runs quite slow, and there are a couple of other minor problems. But I find it quite convenient, especially for quick macros or running interactively.

The comment about not running in interpreted mode might be outdated - I haven't checked that for a while.

Philip Received on Thu May 28 2009 - 16:43:55 CEST

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