re:Re: gApplication with pyroot

From: Alfio Rizzo <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 05:22:13 +0200

>there is no need for (unless you wrote your own TApplication):
>> app.Run()
>so just removed it and keep the python prompt active.
>Best regards,
> Wim
> -- +1 (510) 486 6411 --

so your suggestion is totally correct,
but I realizied that the "weird" problem that I have is due to the reason that I am using the OptionParser method to get some parameters. So, it somehow conflicts with root options, for instance I have my personal -b option that conflicts with ROOT -b to run in batch. That's why sometime it works and sometimes not, i.e. if I set this option or not.. So, maybe have I to create 2 script one with the parser and the other with sys.argv ? Or just change the -b to -B .....



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