problem with Branch

From: John Idarraga <>
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 15:13:13 -0400

Hello ROOT,

I experienced the following strange behaviour. I am putting in a Branch the variable 'dE_p2' which holds an structure as specified in the following call to TTree::Branch(....)

tree->Branch("p2", &dE_p2.px, "px:py:pz:E:M:PT:Eta:Phi");

Now, all those variables are Float_t. This works alright, no problem. But, if I do the following

tree->Branch("p2", &dE_p2.px, "px/F:py:pz:E:M:PT:Eta:Phi");

The value of py and pz gets overridden by the value of px on an entry-per-entry basis. As far as I understand from the documentation, when the type is not specified, the default is 'F'. But if I do specify it, it should still work, right ? Something I didn't understand ? Bug already fixed or understood may be ?

I am using ROOT 5.22/00 on linuxx8664gcc

thanks a lot,

John Idarraga Received on Sat Aug 29 2009 - 21:13:25 CEST

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