RooFit::Convolution for User defined PDF

From: Anil Singh <>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 18:45:24 +0500

Hi All,

This is about the convolution utilities in RooFit. I have creates detailed pdf for Z/gamma* production, including the terms for Z/gamma interference and gamma* contributions. I have methodically follwed roofit tutorials,

class RooZModel : public RooAbsPdf{

//Usual Stuff....

} ;

Now I wish to include the detector resolution effects, say by providing for convolution. I tried convolving using RooNumConvPdf class ..but that is tiringly slow, and fit is not satisfactory as well.

Can you suggest me how to proceed to create a class which possibly has same capability (as RooVoigtian has wrt BreitWigner) ?


      | O son of Kunti ! If you die in battle, you will attain heaven | || And if you win, (you) will attain earth, (so) getup and fight it out ||

Bhagvad Geeta, Chapter: 2, Verse:37

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