Hi Plamen,
On 2009-11-08 00:10, Plamen Boutachkov wrote:
> A question arises then, is it normal to produce a few times larger root
> file when storing THnSparse 2-dimensional histograms compare to a case
> when TH2I histograms are used?
That depends on what fraction of the bins are filled. But as you said
you had a problem with integer-overflowing bin numbers anyway, which
renders the large TH2 unusable.
> On the questions about the analysis requirements:
> The large histograms we create are symmetric. We have many smaller ones
> which are not. The total memory allocated for the not symmetric ones is
> less then 200MB.
OK, then let's focus on the symmetric ones.
>> How do you determine p_low, p_high?
> We use the mouse to choose p_low and p_high. First we select all counts
> which belong to a peak. After this we may select only part of the peak
> and compare to then the full peak was selected. In addition
> the distance between p_low and p_high varies due to different statistics
> in different peaks and due to different detector response at different
> energy.
You explained that your procedure consists of two steps: first find all
peaks via ProjectionX, then for each peak extract the signal /
backgroudn quantity. The first step could be done in a one dimensional
histogram, i.e. you would not fill a TH2 but immediately only its
For the second step you could use two different approaches:
* store each slice of the TH2 along a given x in a TTree, with the entry
number corresponding to the histogram's bin. You could then simply load
the TTree's entry corresponding to the peak's position, and operate on
the histogram slice that's relevant for the peak. The problem is the
filling part: to generate these histograms you would have to first fill
the x-bin 0, then x-bin 1 etc - I don't know whether that is a workable
solution for you.
* store the x and y occurrences in a TTree, instead of in histograms.
This makes the filling trivial, and you can loop over all measurements
in a very flexible way: your TH1 would give you the position of the
peak, and you would then loop over all entries of the tree, selecting
only those that have a x in range, and then generate the TH1 along y for
the peak. It depends on the number of measurements (the integral of your
TH2) whether this solution makes sense: if you have billions of
measurements then it makes more sense to store them in a histogrammed
Alternatively you could use a THnSparse. What fraction of bins is filled?
Let me know if any of this makes sense to you :-)
Cheers, Axel.
> On Sat, 2009-11-07 at 16:41 +0100, Axel Naumann wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> I have more details about the memory problem/leak.
>> I don't see a leak - a leak would mean that the memory is lost. You
>> simply ask the system to allocate more memory that it has.
>>> 33k * 33k -> Works; almost no memory allocated (NOTE: size in memory
>>> is 2**15 * 2**15 * sizeof(double) > 4 GiB)
>> What you observe is indeed an integer overflow: TH1 stores the number of
>> cells in a member of type Int_t. I've added Lorenzo who is maintaining it.
>> Anyway - I believe TH2 are not the optimal solution for your case. A few
>> more questions:
>>> One more detail, the TH2I matrices are build symmetric(or if the
>>> matrix is not build symmetric we have to produce ProjectionY too).
>> So - are they symmetrical or not? Do you have rare cases where they are
>> not symmetrical? Or are they "almost" symmetrical? I don't understand
>> how to read your statement...
>>> ProjectionX('..",p_low,p_high) selecting a peak
>>> and two
>>> ProjectionX('..',b1_low,b1_high) and ProjectionX('..',b2_low,b2_high)
>> How do you determine p_low, p_high? Simply by subtracting / adding a
>> predetermined constant from the peak center, i.e. is the constant fixed
>> for the whole matrix? Or do you adapt the width e.g. based on the
>> distance to the nearest peak?
>> Cheers, Axel.
>> On 2009-11-07 14:00, Plamen Boutachkov wrote:
>>> Hi Axel,
>>> I have more details about the memory problem/leak.
>>> Andrey Blazhev and Norbert Braun from Cologne, who are part of our group
>>> working on the analysis looked into the allocated memory from large TH2D
>>> histogram on a 64bit machine with 24GB of RAM. They reported:
>>> 20k * 30k -> 900 MB allocated
>>> 30k * 30k -> Gives the known exception
>>> 33k * 33k -> Works; almost no memory allocated (NOTE: size in memory is 2**15 * 2**15 * sizeof(double) > 4 GiB)
>>> 50k * 30k -> similar to the 20k * 30k case which means that the Integer value is wrapped around.
>>> In the analysis we had problems with crashes then many large histograms
>>> were created in memory. As a solution we reduced the number of large
>>> histograms until we had no bad_alloc error. Nevertheless we observed
>>> "fake" peaks in some of our histograms. They were high peaks with width
>>> of one channel (which can not be created from our detectors).
>>> I implement THnSparse for all 2D histograms in our analysis. Now the
>>> output root file which contains all histograms is 4 times larger compare
>>> to the output file which was generated when TH2I were used, supporting
>>> the suggestion that we had a memory leak when creating many TH2I
>>> histograms before.
>>> The question is how can we ensure that we still do not have a memory
>>> leak? (That all peaks in the histograms are real).
>>> I can track the memory allocated for histograms looking at how many
>>> channels we allocated in TH1I and with GetSparseFractionMem for the
>>> THnSparse histograms. Can this be a solution?
>>> On you question: we first project the full range
>>> ProjectionX('..',-1,-1)
>>> Then for each peak in the spectrum we make 3 ProjectionX:
>>> ProjectionX('..",p_low,p_high) selecting a peak
>>> and two
>>> ProjectionX('..',b1_low,b1_high) and ProjectionX('..',b2_low,b2_high)
>>> selecting the background around the peak.
>>> Then we subtract ProjectionX('..",p_low,p_high) -
>>> w1*ProjectionX('..',b1_low,b1_high)-w2*ProjectionX('..',b2_low,b2_high)
>>> from the peaks we see in the obtained spectra we decide were to gate
>>> next and repeat the above procedure. As there are many possible
>>> coincidences we need look at, the time it takes to generate the final
>>> spectra is of importance.
>>> One more detail, the TH2I matrices are build symmetric(or if the matrix
>>> is not build symmetric we have to produce ProjectionY too).
>>> Considering this is a TTree or THnSparse histogram better?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Plamen
>>> On Fri, 2009-11-06 at 16:15 +0100, Axel Naumann wrote:
>>>> Hi Plamen,
>>>> thanks, now we have a clearer idea how to help :-) Follow-up question:
>>>> do you care about the full y range when scanning for a coincidence with
>>>> x, or only for the n closest bins?
>>>> I can suggest two options: you can use a THnSparse, as suggested by
>>>> David. That one only needs memory for *filled* bins. Or you can use a
>>>> TTree, which will allow you to keep only a relevant part of the data in
>>>> memory. We can discuss its layout if you want; you might want to create
>>>> branches for e.g. all x bins.
>>>> Let us know!
>>>> Cheers, Axel.
>>>> Plamen Boutachkov wrote on 11/06/2009 03:50 PM:
>>>>> Hi Axel,
>>>>> We are analyzing an experiment in which we study the gamma decay of
>>>>> unstable nuclei. For each nucleus we record the gamma rays emitted in a
>>>>> coincidence with a hyper pure germanium detector array.
>>>>> We fill the TH2I(5001,0.,5000.,5001,0.,5000.) histograms with all
>>>>> possible pairs (E_i, E_j) of observed gamma rays energies in an event of
>>>>> interest. Latter on we make multiple gates on one of the axis of the
>>>>> matrix and look for the gamma rays in coincidence.
>>>>> There are a couple of these TH2I histograms per nucleus (created with
>>>>> different conditions) and about 10 nuclei which we would like to study.
>>>>> It takes about 1h to sort through all the data in order to produce the
>>>>> TH2I histograms.
>>>>> We need the high number of channels to conserve the resolution of the
>>>>> gamma detectors. On other hand there are many channels with few or zero
>>>>> counts in the TH2I histograms.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Plamen
>>>>> On Fri, 2009-11-06 at 15:03 +0100, Axel Naumann wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Plamen,
>>>>>> reaching these limits usually means that your approach is wrong. What
>>>>>> are you trying to do?
>>>>>> Cheers, Axel.
>>>>>> Plamen Boutachkov wrote on 11/06/2009 02:57 PM:
>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>> I do not know enough about the root internal memory management. I was
>>>>>>> hoping that the swap of the machines will help.
>>>>>>> But then if the limit is the physical RAM of the machine why I can
>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>> TH2D *t = new TH2D("test","t",70000,0.,1.,70000,0.,1.)
>>>>>>> 70000*70000* 8 B = 36GB
>>>>>>> On the same machine 32 bit 4GB RAM I tried:
>>>>>>> TH2I *t = new TH2I("test","t",100000,0.,1.,100000,0.,1.)
>>>>>>> a 37GB histogram, it worked.
>>>>>>> Is there a difference how one and many histograms are handled in
>>>>>>> memory?
>>>>>>> Should one track the total memory spend for histograms and make sure it
>>>>>>> is bellow a given number?
>>>>>>> Thank you for the suggestion of THnSparse.
>>>>>>> Plamen
>>>>>>> On Fri, 2009-11-06 at 14:10 +0100, David Gonzalez Maline wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Just some simple maths would help.
>>>>>>>> 5001 xbins * 5001 ybins * 4bytes each bin * 40 histograms ~= 3.72 GB of
>>>>>>>> memory...
>>>>>>>> Obviously in the second machine you don't get such an error until you
>>>>>>>> change the number of bins to a much bigger number. Consider using
>>>>>>>> THnSparse instead and/or reducing the number of bins.
>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>> Plamen Boutachkov wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> I need to create a large number of TH2I, this leads to a crash. Here
>>>>>>>>> is an example script which reproduces the problem:
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>> Int_t nHistograms = 40 ;
>>>>>>>>> TH2I *h[nHistograms] ;
>>>>>>>>> for(Int_t nIndex = 0; nIndex < nHistograms ; ++nIndex ) {
>>>>>>>>> TString sHistogramNname = Form("h%d",nIndex);
>>>>>>>>> cout<<"Histogram Number:"<< nIndex << endl;
>>>>>>>>> h[nIndex] = new TH2I(sHistogramNname.Data(),sHistogramNname.Data()
>>>>>>>>> ,5001,0.,5000.
>>>>>>>>> ,5001,0.,5000.);
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> executing the script gives:
>>>>>>>>> Histogram Number:0
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> Histogram Number:29
>>>>>>>>> Histogram Number:30
>>>>>>>>> Error: Symbol G__exception is not defined in current scope
>>>>>>>>> scripts/test.C:11:
>>>>>>>>> Error: type G__exception not defined FILE:/tmp/test.C LINE:11
>>>>>>>>> *** Interpreter error recovered ***
>>>>>>>>> If I include the above loop in a stand alone program the error is:
>>>>>>>>> Histogram Number:0
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> Histogram Number:30
>>>>>>>>> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
>>>>>>>>> what(): std::bad_alloc
>>>>>>>>> Aborted
>>>>>>>>> I can produce a similar error by executing:
>>>>>>>>> TH2D *t = new TH2D("test","t",30000,0.,1.,30000,0.,1.)
>>>>>>>>> Error: Symbol G__exception is not defined in current scope (tmpfile):1:
>>>>>>>>> Error: type G__exception not defined FILE:(tmpfile) LINE:1
>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>> root [0] TH2D *t = new TH2D("test","t",40000,0.,1.,40000,0.,1.)
>>>>>>>>> Error: Symbol G__exception is not defined in current scope (tmpfile):1:
>>>>>>>>> Error: type G__exception not defined FILE:(tmpfile) LINE:1
>>>>>>>>> On other hand creating a larger histograms:
>>>>>>>>> root [0] TH2D *t = new TH2D("test","t",50000,0.,1.,50000,0.,1.)
>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>> root [0] TH2D *t = new TH2D("test","t",60000,0.,1.,60000,0.,1.)
>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>> root [0] TH2D *t = new TH2D("test","t",70000,0.,1.,70000,0.,1.)
>>>>>>>>> works.
>>>>>>>>> I am running ROOT 5.24/00b on a 32bit machine with 3GB of memory.
>>>>>>>>> I tried the same on a 64bit machine, 24GB of memory, root Version
>>>>>>>>> 5.18/00b
>>>>>>>>> executing
>>>>>>>>> root [0] TH2D *t = new TH2D("test","t",30000,0.,1.,30000,0.,1.)
>>>>>>>>> does not give an error, but
>>>>>>>>> root [0] TH2D *t = new TH2D("test","t",40000,0.,1.,40000,0.,1.)
>>>>>>>>> Error: Symbol G__exception is not defined in current scope (tmpfile):1:
>>>>>>>>> Error: type G__exception not defined FILE:(tmpfile) LINE:1
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Plamen
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Dr. Plamen Boutachkov
>>>>>>>>> Kernstruktur, GSI Darmstadt
>>>>>>>>> Planckstr. 1
>>>>>>>>> D-64291 Darmstadt
>>>>>>>>> Germany
>>>>>>>>> Tel: +49 6159-71-2436
>>>>>>>>> Fax: +49-6159-71-2898
>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------
Received on Sun Nov 08 2009 - 11:50:27 CET