Error in <TVectorT<double>::operator=(const TVectorT<Element> &)>: vectors not compatible

From: Robert Riemann <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 16:24:35 +0100

Hi everyone,

I have a serious problem. I want to write an analysis-class using the following piece of code to compute the eigenvalues.

  TDecompSVD aSVD(MomentumTensor);
  Lambda = aSVD.GetSig();

Lambda was declared in header file with: TVectorD Lambda;

But in the second line of code i get the following error (program don't stop running):

Error in <TVectorT<double>::operator=(const TVectorT<Element> &)>: vectors not compatible

Where is the mistake? Does anybody have an idea?

Robert Riemann Received on Thu Dec 10 2009 - 16:24:41 CET

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