Turn error on opening file using Process and TSelector in Fatal

From: Constantin Loizides <loizides_at_MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:26:45 +0100

Dear all,
is it possible to intercept failing open commands (in a TChain) when using a TSelector?

In many cases the standard behavior of ROOT to skip and go on to the next file is ok, but there are cases where you really want to abort your analysis when the file could not be opened? (In the case I am talking about it is a file on castor that simply timed-out and was later accessible again, so opening all files beforehand is not fool proof).

To me, the only (easy) way seems to overload the default error handler or set the gErrorAbortLevel = kError. But this would then treat all errors as fatal.

Any ideas?

Constantin Received on Wed Feb 17 2010 - 15:26:54 CET

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