TH1F - Multiple Root Files

From: Dana S Ford <Dana.Ford_at_Colorado.EDU>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 07:13:53 -0600

Hello root talkers,

I am relatively new to the ROOT platform and I am encountering a problem when trying to use TH1F class to display histograms from different root files.

I am unsure if what I am trying to do is possible however I am trying to plot 4 histograms on one canvas with each canvas pertaining to a different root file.

All root files contain the same tree and leaves. Each of the 4 TChains differ solely by a measurement length that was changed in the sim to prdocue the root files.

I am not producing any errors from root however only one histogram is plotted.

(Basically, I am trying to plot the flux of a particle through a number of planes. Each of the 4 jobs contain the same root file with the same variable/planes however the (x,y,z) coordinates are changed for each job. I am curious on how the flux of particles through each plane changes as the distance increases. I thought a 2x2 canvas would display the fluxes for each job.)

I am running version 5.14 on Scientific Linux 4.7. My file is listed below.

Thank you for the help

// Read in job101

    TChain files101 ("h50");

    for (Int_t ifile101 = 1; ifile101 <= 99; ifile101++)



batch/job1000/batch_testplanes_%i.root", ifile101));         


// Read in job201

    TChain files201 ("h50");

    for (Int_t ifile201 = 102; ifile201 <= 200; ifile201++)



batch/job1000/batch_testplanes_%i.root", ifile201));         


// Read in job301

    TChain files301 ("h50");

    for (Int_t ifile301 = 202; ifile301 <= 299; ifile301++)



batch/job1000/batch_testplanes_%i.root", ifile301));         


// Read in job501

    TChain files501 ("h50");

    for (Int_t ifile501 = 400; ifile501 <= 499; ifile501++)



batch/job1000/batch_testplanes_%i.root", ifile501));         


// Histograms for particles going through planes for each job

    TH1F *muon_plane_job101 = new TH1F("muon_plane_job101","",100,0,10.);

    TH1F *muon_plane_job201 = new TH1F("muon_plane_job201","",100,0,10.);

    TH1F *muon_plane_job301 = new TH1F("muon_plane_job301","",100,0,10.);

    TH1F *muon_plane_job501 = new TH1F("muon_plane_job501","",100,0,10.);

// Plotting histograms for each job

    files101.Draw("plane >> muon_plane_job101", "(type == 5) || (type == 6)");

    files201.Draw("plane >> muon_plane_job201", "(type == 5) || (type == 6)");

    files301.Draw("plane >> muon_plane_job301", "(type == 5) || (type == 6)");

    files501.Draw("plane >> muon_plane_job501", "(type == 5) || (type == 6)");

// Create new canvas and divide into 4 pads

    TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Distribution of Muons Through Each Plane",



// 1st Pad



// 2nd Pad



// 3rd Pad



// 4th Pad


    muon_plane_job201->Draw();      Received on Tue Apr 27 2010 - 15:14:00 CEST

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