Adding a TObject to a TTree

From: Vito Palladino <>
Date: Sun, 2 May 2010 08:46:34 +0200

Dear Rooters,

I'm "simply" trying to save some tobjects in a tree, in particular a TClonesArray and a TObjArray. The code I'm using is:

  TClonesArray* SpectrometerHits = new TClonesArray();   tAcceptances->Branch( "SpectrometerHits", &SpectrometerHits, 256000, 0 );

  TObjArray* SpectrometerTrackMomentum = new TObjArray();   tAcceptances->Branch("SpectrometerTrackMomentum", &SpectrometerTrackMomentum, 256000, 0 );

My problem is different these two cases:

TClonesArray gives the error message:

         Error in <TTree::Bronch>: TClonesArray with no class defined in branch: SpectrometerHits

TObjArray, instead, have segmentation violation problems...

Do you have idea concerning that?

Thank you in advance for any suggestion.

    Vito Received on Sun May 02 2010 - 08:46:39 CEST

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