Means of histograms in the case of negative weights

From: Tim Head <>
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 07:39:25 -0500

Hello ROOTs,

I noticed the following when using root5.26 (so maybe this has already been fixed):

import ROOT as R

h = R.TH1F("", "", 10,0,10)

h.Fill(1, 1)
h.Fill(2, 1)
h.Fill(4, 1)
h.Fill(4, -1)

print h.GetMean()

which prints 2.75.

While the issue of negative weights is a tricky one with no good answers (or maybe it isn't ...) I was hoping that the mean comes out as 1.5 in this case.

I don't have the means to test with a more recent version of root, so if this has gone away ignore my comment, otherwise keep it in mind when dealing with negative weights.


Received on Sat Jun 05 2010 - 14:39:31 CEST

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