Re: 2d TGraphAsymmError?

From: Lorenzo Moneta <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:18:33 +0200

We are planning to develop for the next ROOT release a dedicated class for computing efficiencies and their errors from the division of histograms, using both frequentist and bayesian methods for the confidence interval calculations. We will take your request into account and have also the code working for 2d histograms

 Best Regards

On Jun 24, 2010, at 7:31 PM, Alexander Mann wrote:

> Hi,
> TGraphAsymmErrors is very useful to calculate asymmetrical errors on efficiencies using the BayesDivide() method. I have been told that there is no way of doing this with 2d histograms, and in fact the currect code does not allow this.
> But looking at the code it does not seem to be very difficult to extend this function so that it also works on 2d histograms: you would only need to pick the correct number of bins. May I suggest to add this feature? (Maybe I will be able to provide a code snippet in the coming days.)
> cu,
> Alexander
Received on Fri Jun 25 2010 - 09:18:38 CEST

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