problem at compilation with a derivative of TSelector

From: Marc Escalier <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 16:15:20 +0200

Dear Rooters,

i occur a problem of compilation when using a class created with a MakeSelector :

SelectorTest.o: In function `SelectorTest::IsA() const': SelectorTest.C:(.text._ZNK12SelectorTest3IsAEv[SelectorTest::IsA() const]+0x7): undefined reference to `SelectorTest::Class()' SelectorTest.o:(.rodata._ZTV12SelectorTest[vtable for SelectorTest]+0xe8): undefined reference to
`SelectorTest::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector&, char*)'
SelectorTest.o:(.rodata._ZTV12SelectorTest[vtable for SelectorTest]+0xec): undefined reference to

while i don't occur with one created with MakeClass()

Theses members are not in the class SelectorTest but rather in the TObject from which SelectorTest derivates An expert told me that the reason would be that the class created by MakeSelector would derive from "TObject"...

would you have an idea of what is missing in my code and/or Makefile ?

To make you loose the less time possible, i provide a very minimum standalone example here :
lxplus :


any suggestion would be appreciated

Thank you

just in case you would not have time to see the code on lxplus, the Makefile is :
main: SelectorTest.o main.o

       /bin/rm -f main
       g++ -o main `root-config --ldflags --libs --glibs` -lRooFit 
-lRooFitCore -lMinuit main.o SelectorTest.o

SelectorTest.o: SelectorTest.C

       g++ -c `root-config --cflags` SelectorTest.C

main.o: main.C

       g++ -c `root-config --cflags` main.C

clean: /bin/rm *.o
) Received on Tue Jul 13 2010 - 16:20:50 CEST

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