Use of rootcint in the Gnu Build System.

From: Marcelo Zimbres <>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 17:27:58 -0300

Dear root experts,

I am using the macros provided by the root package(/root/build/misc/root.m4) in my file, to easy the task of configure, compile and link my code. I wonder if there is any other simple way to use rootcint, be it in or, to automate the dictionary generation, for my classes inheriting from TObject. At the moment I am using this line of code in to generate the dictionaries

rootcint -f src/dictionary.cxx -c $(ls src/T*h)

but this does not allow me to build a package in a test directory, because of the hard link(and it also make "make distcheck" fail).

Best regards
Marcelo Received on Fri Aug 06 2010 - 22:28:04 CEST

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