TH2I -> TH2F

From: Alexander Mann <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 17:46:24 +0200


is there an easy way to cast a TH2I to a TH2F? I would like to Scale() a TH2I, but due to the integer nature of the bin contents this does not work directly.

The TH2F constructor only takes TH2F as input. DrawCopy gives a TH1*, but still uses integers internally.

I could create a TH2I of equal binning, and also copy the bin labels etc. by hand, then do a Add() to fill the histogram. Is there a better solution?

Suggestion: It would be nice if one could cast TH2I to TH2F (I prefer the first type, because I am counting.)

Alexander Received on Mon Oct 25 2010 - 17:46:23 CEST

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