TF2 SetRange

From: <>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 19:08:06 -0500

Hello All,
I have 2D histograms with various peaks in each. I perform a gaussian fit on the peaks. For the fit to be successful, I have to set x,y ranges around the peaks while defining my TF2 object. Therefore, the range of my TF2 is different than the range of my TH2F. This becomes problem later when I plot the histogram and the fit results together on the same canvas. So, I rescale the histogram by using SetRange. To be more clear, I define TH2F:

    TH2F *histsim = new TH2F(histsimName,histsimName,256,0,256,256,0,256); Then define TF2:

    TF2 *fitsim = new TF2("fitsim",Gaus2D,0,80,75,125,5); And I fit and plot:

    fitsim->Draw("cont1, same");
But the fitsim is plotted on a different scale and does not overlap with the peak anymore even if the fit is successful. So, instead I do the following:

    fitsim->SetRange(0,0,256,256); //// necessary to rescale to the histogram range

    fitsim->Draw("cont1, same");
This plots the fitsim on correct x and y positions. However, the z height of the fit is still off-scale. How can I rescale the fit height so that it is the same as the peak height? I tried following:

    fitsim->SetRange(0,0,0, 256,256, fitsim->GetParameter(0)); But it did not have any visible effect, the z range of the fit is still very different than the z range of the histogram.

I appreciate your suggestions. Thank you,

Received on Wed Nov 17 2010 - 01:08:15 CET

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