X label to a scatter plot without declaring nbins

From: rino lanzi <supericarus_at_yahoo.it>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 03:32:19 +0000

Dear Rooties, I am trying to add label to x axis of a scatter plot but I am having problems. I am suing TCanvas *canvas105_1 = new TCanvas("scatter","scatter",+0,+0,900,600); chain->Draw("a:b>>scatter105_1(1, 0., 200., 1, -3, 3.)",""); TH2F *scatter105_1 = (TH2F*)gDirectory->Get("scatter105_1"); scatter105_1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X VARIABLE"); canvas105_1->Update(); I am using this way of filling the scatter in order to avoid declaring the bin size. What am I doing wrong. Regards B. Received on Sun Nov 28 2010 - 04:32:25 CET

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