Dear ROOTers,
I'm a bit desperate finding the solution to my problem, so I write you
this mail.
What I want to do is simple I guess, but I did not succeed.
I would like to keep the colors of the TH1F histos when drawing TH1F in
a TCanvas.
TFile * m_OutputFile = new TFile("ControlPlots.root","recreate");
TH1F* tmpup = (TH1F*)nom->Clone();
TH1F* tmpdo = (TH1F*)nom->Clone();
...//some operations
TCanvas * ctmp = new TCanvas(cname,cname); ctmp->cd();
tmpup->SetDirectory(0); tmpup->SetMaximum(maxH*1.2); tmpup->SetMinimum(minH*1.2); tmpup->SetLineColor(2); tmpup->SetMarkerColor(2); tmpup->Draw("HIST"); tmpdo->SetDirectory(0); tmpdo->SetLineColor(4);
leg->AddEntry(tmpdo, "-1#sigma","lep"); leg->AddEntry(tmpup, "+1#sigma","lep"); leg->Draw();
then in the ControlPlots.root, the colors of the two TH1F are black...
But doing
gives the correct colors on the .png.
Any idea how to get the colors of the TH1 in the TCanvas in the TFile?
Received on Tue Jan 04 2011 - 14:49:49 CET
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