It seems that per this thread from 2004
the TGaxis::SetMaxDigits function was only going to operate on the y
axis for 1D histograms. This is also confirmed by the documentation for
TGaxis::SetMaxDigits which states:
Static function to set fgMaxDigits for axis with the bin content
(y axis for 1-d histogram, z axis for 2-d histogram)
However, setting this function still seems to control both the x and y
axes of a histogram. This is true in 5.22, 5.27, and 5.28. This can be
seen with the following example:
TH1F* testhist = new TH1F("testhist", "testhist", 100, 1000.0, 1400.0);
The first draw shows the x and y axes without exponent scaling. The second draw shows both the x and y axes with exponent scaling. Can anyone tell me a way to get the x axis from the first Draw and the y axis from the second Draw? (Other than hacking up the postscript file).
Thanks for any help,
-- Kevin Stenson, Phone: 303-492-1106 FAX: 303-492-5119 Assistant Professor, Email: Department of Physics, Web: University of Colorado Office: Duane F-317 UCB 390, Boulder, CO 80309-0390Received on Sat Jan 22 2011 - 03:05:25 CET
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