this is typicall a message when you open a root file that was created with a different file as you have
try for example to do a setup of a release >=15.9.0 (to have a recent
-->does it fix the problem ?
> Dear ROOTers,
> I have a naive question. I get this Warning while reading from my root files:
> Warning in <TFile::ReadStreamerInfo>: /mnt/data/khandan/r1831/output010/default/107111_pdg24/TL.root: not a TStreamerInfo object
> 1. Could this slow down reading from files?
> 2. what I should do to restore the TStreamerInfo object ?
> Thank you,
> Hovhannes
Received on Tue Feb 01 2011 - 00:44:48 CET
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