Hi Constantin,
do you have such a bad file so we can test a fix?
Cheers, Fons.
On 03/02/2011 11:14, Constantin Loizides wrote:
> Hi Philippe,
> we ran over some of our broken files with your patch (simply ported to
> 5.27.06.patches for now),
> and can confirm that it now allows to skip offending events (or even to
> skip offending files)
> in the upstream code
> However, we also have cases, where "R__unzip" reports and error in the ROOT
> header before the actual zlib envelope. In the cases that are disturbing to
> us an inconsistency at an earlier stage, not easily detectable by the code,
> lead to allocation of large amount of memory, when fObjlen or fKeylen
> are corrupted. (ie lines "if ((fObjlen+fKeylen) > fCompressedSize)").
> A few calls later R__unzip will figure out that it can not find the header,
> but then one may already have allocated large junks of vmem.
> In my test cases something like
> + // early consisteny check:
> + if (1) {
> + UChar_t *tbuf = (UChar_t *)&buffer[fKeylen];
> + if ((tbuf[0] != 'C' && tbuf[0] != 'Z') ||
> + (tbuf[1] != 'S' && tbuf[1] != 'L') ||
> + tbuf[2] != 8) {
> + fprintf(stderr,"early abort: there will be an error reported by
> R__unzip\n");
> + badread = 1;
> + return badread;
> + }
> + }
> before the allocation of the buffer helps to not even allocate the memory.
> Again I do not know
> enough about the subsequent assumptions to know whether such an early abort is
> possible, but it would be great if you could try to see what you can do?
> Please let me know,
> Thanks,
> Constantin
> On 02/02/2011 09:05 PM, Philippe Canal wrote:
>> Yes, it is also there.
>> Cheers,
>> Philippe.
>> On 2/2/11 1:32 PM, Constantin Loizides wrote:
>>> Hi Philippe,
>>> thanks for the fix. I assume this will go into
>>> the v5-28-00 patches as well?
>>> Constantin
>>> On 02/02/2011 08:13 PM, Philippe Canal wrote:
>>>> Hi Constantin,
>>>> Yes this is indeed a problem (but the return shown below is too early).
>>>> The problem is fixed by revision 37947 of the trunk.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Philippe.
>>>> On 1/26/11 3:39 AM, Constantin Loizides wrote:
>>>>> Dear experts,
>>>>> I have a question regarding the error handling
>>>>> in TBasket line 436. In the original version
>>>>> an unzipping error is recognized, badread is set
>>>>> to one, but then the code continues. I am not
>>>>> sure if this is intended, but I could imagine it
>>>>> is trying to repair the bad read. However, very
>>>>> often (or even always?) the code the crashes
>>>>> later in the "AfterBuffer" section, ie in
>>>>> fBufferRef->ReadArray(fEntryOffset);
>>>>> (at least in the cases I looked at).
>>>>> Now in my case, if I return immediately the bad return,
>>>>> I can nicely detect the bad read and decide to
>>>>> abort the current event, or even reading the current
>>>>> event.
>>>>> My question is: What is the intended behavior and
>>>>> would there be a way to make this method a bit more
>>>>> robust so that jobs do not crash when the unzip is
>>>>> detected?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Constantin
>>>>> Index: tree/tree/src/TBasket.cxx
>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>> --- tree/tree/src/TBasket.cxx (revision 36525)
>>>>> +++ tree/tree/src/TBasket.cxx (working copy)
>>>>> @@ -421,6 +421,7 @@
>>>>> if (noutot != fObjlen) {
>>>>> Error("ReadBasketBuffers", "fNbytes = %d, fKeylen = %d, fObjlen = %d,
>>>>> noutot = %d, nout=%d, nin=%d, nbuf=%d", fNbytes,fKeylen,fObjlen,
>>>>> noutot,nout,nin,nbuf);
>>>>> badread = 1;
>>>>> + return badread;
>>>>> }
>>>>> // Switch the 2 buffers
>>>>> char *temp = fBufferRef->Buffer();
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