Re: Histogram title

From: Rene Brun <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 15:29:18 +0100


  TCanvas c1;
  TPaveText *title = (TPaveText*)c1.GetPrimitive("title");   title->SetFillColor(kCyan);

Rene Brun

On 04/02/2011 18:39, Mario Kadastik wrote:
> Hello,
> I've found how to enable and disable the histogram title printing, but how do I access the element itself per histogram? I would like to change the fill color, the shadow if possible as well as the concrete location where it's drawn. I've got a generic style setting file (the one CMS supplies for publications) and I've tuned it to generally show good plots already (i.e. fill color kWhite everywhere), but the histogram title that I'd like to use on some plots still comes out with grayish filling and I have to manually intervene to make it white.
> Thanks in advance,
> Mario Kadastik, PhD
> Researcher
> ---
> "Physics is like sex, sure it may have practical reasons, but that's not why we do it"
> -- Richard P. Feynman
Received on Mon Feb 07 2011 - 15:29:26 CET

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