> Hello all,
> I have two TH1 objects, and i wan to see simply the projection between them, in the form of 2D histo.
> Any quick idea..
> ****
> TH1F *h1 = coutput1->FindObject("fMultiplicityITSTPC");
> TH1F *h2 = coutput1->FindObject("fMultiplicitySPD");
> test = new TH2F("test","",100,0,100,100,0,100);
can you explain what do you mean by the projection between them? So what should bin X,Y contain in the 2D plot? h1->GetBinContent(x)+h2->GetBinContent(y); or - or * or / or ....
Mario Kadastik, PhD
--- "Physics is like sex, sure it may have practical reasons, but that's not why we do it" -- Richard P. FeynmanReceived on Thu Feb 10 2011 - 14:57:47 CET
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