thank you so much Sebastien
>so you want to programmatically setup an Athena environment from within
yes, this was the initial "idea", just because i needed a setup of
athena to be able to use the routine i was needing.
But it seems it will be much more easy to do it in a short unix script
>believe me, Wim (and I) did it from within python and there it was
>already a pain to manage a subshell programmatically.
yes, i believe you at 100 %
with a unix script, it will be much more easier
Sebastien Binet a écrit :
> Marc,
> On Wed, 9 Mar 2011 14:26:17 +0100, Marc Escalier <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> thanks to the help of many of you, i continue with definition of python,
>> obtaining this :
>> //begin definition of python :
>> gSystem->Setenv("PYTHON_VER","2.6");
>> gSystem->Setenv("PYTHON_DIR","'/usr/local/python/python-${PYTHON_VER}'");
>> gSystem->Setenv("export PATH","'${PYTHON_DIR}/bin:${PATH}'");
>> gSystem->Setenv("export CFLAGS","'-L /usr/local/python/python-2.6/lib'");
>> gSystem->Setenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH","'$PYTHON_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'");
>> // gSystem->Exec("python"); //this commands works
>> //end definition of python
>> //gSystem->Setenv("amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo","'python
>> /afs/'");
>> gSystem->Exec("asetup 16.6.2");
>> gSystem->Setenv("amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo","python
>> /afs/");
>> gSystem->Exec("`echo $amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo`");
>> but the amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo crashes only because one needs to define
>> asetup 16.6.2, which i can't do *inside* root
> so you want to programmatically setup an Athena environment from within
> CINT ?
> it's already cumbersome enough from the shell with all the CMT voodoo
> stuff... even if the new 'asetup' somewhat eased a bit the pain,
> it's still no 'day at the ballpark' either...
> believe me, Wim (and I) did it from within python and there it was
> already a pain to manage a subshell programmatically.
> you are probably better off writing the shell script which setups athena
> and defines the alias rather than re-inventing the CMT squared wheel
> From CINT.
> -s
>> ======
>> Axel Naumann a écrit :
>>> Hi Marc,
>>> That's not what Georg wrote - note the '$' sign.
>>> Anyway, you could probably assign it to a C++ variable and use that,
>>> instead of an environment variable.
>>> Cheers, Axel.
>>> Marc Escalier wrote on 03/09/2011 01:51 PM:
>>>> thanks, i try to do an alias within root :
>>>> ==>
>>>> gSystem->Setenv("amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo","'python
>>>> /afs/'");
>>>> gSystem->Exec("`amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo`");
>>>> gives :
>>>> sh: amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo: command not found
>>>> while in unix :
>>>> ccali16% alias amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo='python
>>>> /afs/'
>>>> ccali16% amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo
>>>> does something
>>>> =============================
>>>> Georg Troska a écrit :
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> a variable is not an alias.
>>>>> doing in bash
>>>>> # A="xclock"
>>>>> # echo $A
>>>>> will not work either.
>>>>> Probably not the best way, but
>>>>> root[] # gSystem->SetEnv("A","xclock")
>>>>> root[] # gSystem->Exec("`echo $A`")
>>>>> will work.
>>>>> Georg
>>>>>> but the folllowing doesn't "work":
>>>>>> root [1] gSystem->Setenv("amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo","'python
>>>>>> /afs/'")
>>>>>> root [2] gSystem->Exec("amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo")
>>>>>> sh: amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo: command not found
>>>>>> while in unix :
>>>>>> alias amiGetDatasetEVNTInfo='python
>>>>>> /afs/
>>>>>> amiGetDatasetENVInfo
>>>>>> "works"
>>>>>> would you have a hint ?
>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>> Dario Berzano a écrit :
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> each gSystem->Exec(), just like the standard C system() function,
>>>>>>> opens a new shell ("man system" says /bin/sh) with a brand new
>>>>>>> environment.
>>>>>>> But in ROOT you can set environment variables that are seen by
>>>>>>> subshells launched either via gSystem->Exec() or
>>>>>>> gSystem->OpenPipe()/GetFromPipe(): for instance you can play with
>>>>>>> the following code:
>>>>>>> // The environment variable COUNTER is set to 0
>>>>>>> gSystem->Setenv("COUNTER", "0");
>>>>>>> // COUNTER is incremented in subshells and its value is set to ROOT's
>>>>>>> // (*not* shell's) environment
>>>>>>> for (Int_t i=0; i<100; i++) {
>>>>>>> gSystem->Setenv("COUNTER", gSystem->GetFromPipe("expr $COUNTER +
>>>>>>> 1"));
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> // A subshell is spawned to echo the value of envvar COUNTER
>>>>>>> gSystem->Exec("echo Variable COUNTER has value $COUNTER");
>>>>>>> Please note that opening/closing 100 subshells just to increment a
>>>>>>> variable's value 100 times isn't very performance-friendly...
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> : Dario Berzano
>>>>>>> : INFN & Università - Torino, Italy
>>>>>>> : Wiki:
>>>>>>> : GPG:
>>>>>>> : Mobile: +39 348 72 22 520
>>>>>>> Le 9 mars 2011 à 11:53, Marc Escalier a écrit :
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> in root, there are the methods TSystem::Exec() and
>>>>>>>> TSystem::GetFromPipe which have the same behaviour for the
>>>>>>>> following issue :
>>>>>>>> if one does in unix :
>>>>>>>> a=3
>>>>>>>> echo $a
>>>>>>>> it works
>>>>>>>> but in root :
>>>>>>>> if ones does :
>>>>>>>> gSystem->Exec("b=3);
>>>>>>>> gSystem->Exec("echo $b")
>>>>>>>> it will "forget" the b
>>>>>>>> only this works :
>>>>>>>> gSystem->Exec("c=3;echo $c")
>>>>>>>> ==>
>>>>>>>> is there a way to have the memory of the variables for several
>>>>>>>> gSystem->Exec() commands ?
>>>>>>>> (in order to do some instructions ones, and some others inside a loop)
>>>>>>>> (i tried also with export, but it doesn't help)
>>>>>>>> thanks
Received on Wed Mar 09 2011 - 15:06:56 CET