I have seen that binaries of ROOT Release 5.28 are not available for Mac
OS X 10.5.x,
but only for 10.4 and 10.6.
There are probably more users of Mac OS 10.5 than other versions
like 10.6 and 10.4 though.
Is there a plan to produce them?
--Received on Thu Mar 17 2011 - 18:20:43 CET
Jose del Peso Dpto Fisica Teorica. C-XI. Facultad de Ciencias, C/ Fco. Tomas y Valiente 7 Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Campus de Cantoblanco, Ctra Colmenar Km 16 28049 Madrid, Spain. e-mail: jose.delpeso_at_uam.es Phone: 34 91 497 3882 ; Fax: 34 91 497 3936
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