Dear ROOTers,
Out of large data ntuple I produce light weight analysis one where I store several analysis related flags as well as 'RunNumber' and 'EventNumber' to keep track of my 'good' events. Snippet below shows the RunNumber:EventNumber pair for one of analysis flag:
root [3] TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("/mnt/data/khandan/r1831/output070/default/data_pdg24/TL.root")
root [4] OptDL->Scan("RunNumber:EventNumber","Passedee")
- Row * RunNumber * EventNumb *
- 8267 * 161118 * 6837664 *
- 474828 * 165767 * 79945104 *
- 582410 * 165954 * 21646624 *
- 1079001 * 166786 * 6993071 *
- 1131333 * 166786 * 60573764 *
- 1311443 * 167776 * 23895694 *
- 1358427 * 167776 * 22650533 *
- 1517976 * 167776 * 83835161 *
- 1584512 * 167776 * 54383568 *
- 1618455 * 167776 * 152076670 *
- 1701977 * 167776 * 82455435 *
- 1773579 * 167576 * 6813884 *
- 1907269 * 167576 * 75128868 *
- 1918529 * 167576 * 90623768 *
- 1971204 * 167576 * 127999945 *
- 2080552 * 167607 * 54473522 *
- 2523235 * 167680 * 37585531 *
==> 17 selected entries
root [5]
Anyhow, when I try to use the same analysis flag - "Passedee" and scan through Run & Event Numbers in initial data ntuple I see that "Passedee" flag points at totally different RunNumber:EventNumber pair in initial data ntuple:
root [5]
root [5] TChain * ch = new TChain("CollectionTree")
root [6] ch->Add("/mnt/data/r2040/data/All/*root*")
root [7] ch->AddFriend("OptDL","/mnt/data/khandan/r1831/output070/default/data_pdg24/TL.root")
(class TFriendElement*)0xa554590
root [8] ch->Scan("RunNumber:EventNumber","Passedee")
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class AttributeListLayout is available
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class pair<string,string> is available
- Row * RunNumber * EventNumb *
- 8267 * 160958 * 13212582 *
- 474828 * 165732 * 4530174 *
- 582410 * 165767 * 100456192 *
- 1079001 * 166383 * 89509980 *
- 1131333 * 166466 * 25678109 *
- 1311443 * 166658 * 2003931 *
- 1358427 * 166658 * 105091292 *
- 1517976 * 166786 * 100216385 *
- 1584512 * 166924 * 35296401 *
- 1618455 * 166924 * 6056393 *
- 1701977 * 166927 * 13786653 *
- 1773579 * 167776 * 1267667 *
- 1907269 * 167776 * 3706374 *
- 1918529 * 167776 * 114072348 *
- 1971204 * 167776 * 153345540 *
- 2080552 * 167776 * 66843739 *
- 2523235 * 167607 * 103342907 *
==> 17 selected entries
root [9]
although I confirm 1-to-1 correspondence of RunNumber/EventNumber parameters in initial and derived analysis ntuples;
root [9]
root [9] ch->Scan("RunNumber:EventNumber","EventNumber==6837664")
- Row * RunNumber * EventNumb *
- 11995 * 161118 * 6837664 *
==> 1 selected entry
root [10]
So, please let me know what I am doing wrong and what I should do to ensure that my flag (eg "Passedee") points ar same event both in analysis and initial data ntuples.
Thank you,
Received on Sat Mar 26 2011 - 16:12:20 CET