Problems with cuts

From: Michelle Mesquita Medeiros <>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 12:12:30 -0700

Hello ROOTers,

I need to do 3 differents cuts for some variables in a code (which is attached). I tried to do the following:

     if ((((shower->Phi-0.087266462)**2+(shower->Theta-0.3490659)**2) <= 0.004363**2) && ((Energy[part] >= 700.0)&&(Energy[part] <= 10000.0)) && ((particle->ParticleID == 5)||(particle->ParticleID == 6))) {phi[part] = atan(particle->Py/particle->Px);}

I used the function TTree::Scan to check the cuts but only one worked: the cut for shower.Phi and Theta. I also tried to do these cuts before filling the tree:

     if ((((shower->Phi-0.087266462)**2+(shower->Theta-0.3490659)**2) <= 0.004363**2)&&((Energy[part] >= 700.0)&&(Energy[part] <= 10000.0)) && ((particle->ParticleID == 5)||(particle->ParticleID == 6)))

But this doesn't work too. Am I doing something wrong? I'm using ROOT 5.28.

Thanks in advance,

Michelle Mesquita de Medeiros

Instituto de Física - UFG


Received on Mon Mar 28 2011 - 21:12:37 CEST

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