Re: Erratic TInterpreter::GetInterfaceMethod behaviour?

From: Philippe Canal <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 15:00:36 -0500

Hi Nicholas,

Per se it is the intended behavior. When not constructing a TRint, you forgo some of its functionality. One of the functionality is to introduce more 'state' and initialization than the (intentionally) bare minimum.

In your original example, you try to interpret:

void infid_set_cc2008()\n{\n cout << \"This works\"<<endl;\n}\n

which requires 'iostream'. I.e. an alternative (and semantically consistent) solution is to use:

   thefile << "#include <iostream>\nvoid infid_set_cc2008()\n{\n cout << \"This works\"<<endl;\n}\n";


On 3/28/11 6:44 AM, Nicholas Devenish wrote:
> Hi Bertrand,
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Bertrand Bellenot
> <> wrote:
>> For me, adding gROOT->ProcessLine("#include<iostream>"); in your main() solved the problem. I.e.:
> Thanks! - this works around the problem and allows me to continue with
> my work. At a hazardous guess, I can imagine it is something to do
> with the interpreter not being properly initialised until it is passed
> a valid command to parse (i.e. initialisation order), though I admit
> the couple of other items I tried didn't work. Perhaps I should file a
> savannah report.
> Nick
Received on Tue Mar 29 2011 - 22:00:41 CEST

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