Assignment operator of TClonesArray invalidates GetEntriesFast()

From: Vassili Maroussov <>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 11:50:23 +0200

Dear ROOTers,

It seems there should be "fLast = tc.fLast" instead of "fLast = tc.fSize - 1" in the body of the TClonesArray assignment operator, otherwise GetEntriesFast() returns the capacity of assigned object instead of number of entries.



[vmarouss_at_Ezhik-HDX18 PlayROOT]$ root

ROOT 5.28/00a (tags/v5-28-00a_at_38195, Feb 23 2011, 14:22:24 on linuxx8664gcc)

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.18.00, July 2, 2010 Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements. Enclose multiple statements between { }. root [0] .x testClones.C+
Info in <TUnixSystem::ACLiC>: creating shared library /home/vmarouss/PlayROOT/./ Creating a TClonesArray T...
Step 0: Capacity = 5 Count = 0
Filling up 7 entries...
Checking T:

GetEntries = 7     GetEntriesFast = 7
Capacity = 10     Data :
X = 0    Y = -0
X = 1    Y = -1
X = 2    Y = -2
X = 3    Y = -3
X = 4    Y = -4

X = 5 Y = -5
X = 6 Y = -6
Creating a TClonesArray T1...
Assigning T1 = T...
Deleting T...
Checking T1:
GetEntries = 7     GetEntriesFast = 10
Capacity = 10     Data :
X = 0    Y = -0
X = 1    Y = -1
X = 2    Y = -2
X = 3    Y = -3
X = 4    Y = -4

X = 5 Y = -5
X = 6 Y = -6
root [1] .q
[vmarouss_at_Ezhik-HDX18 PlayROOT]$

Received on Wed Mar 30 2011 - 11:50:37 CEST

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