On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 7:25 AM, Michelle Mesquita Medeiros
<michelle_mmed_at_yahoo.com.br> wrote:
> I used TTree::Scan to check the cuts but only one worked: the cut for shower.Phi and Theta. I also tried to do these cuts before filling the tree:
Have you tried them individually, i.e. one at a time? And since you mention they didn't work even before filling the tree, don't you think the problem might be where ever you are getting your objects originally? I think you need to find out which part of the selection is the culprit here before you can proceed.
The way to solve these kind of issues is to go over every step meticulously, one step at a time. No short solutions I am afraid.
-- Suvayu Open source is the future. It sets us free.Received on Thu Mar 31 2011 - 02:03:03 CEST
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